Some highlights from this my first full year in private practice:
Launching of a new website and going hyper with social media to spread the word.
Surfing the waves of the seasonal peaks and troughs of referrals.
Successfully working more with children (using play featuring worry monsters and superheroes awesome creativity). Below is a little 'Thank You' gift that was given to me by an 8 year with panic symptoms relating to a car accident.

Making the journey alongside struggling adolescents experiencing exam stress, low self esteem, eating disorders and OCD.
Helping couples calm the storm, in making changes to overcome conflict.
Treating whole families with different, but interconnected problems.
Treating individuals who press the self destruct button, using substances or self harm to lessen the pain within them by creating the pain experience on the outside by cutting.
Dealing with overthinking and excessive worry has given relief to many a person being tortured by guilt and self recrimination.